2. LaTeX setup

There are 3 main approaches to writing LaTeX.

  1. VSCode with MiKTeX and LaTeX Workshop

  2. Texmaker with MiKTeX

  3. Overleaf for on-line LaTeX

2.1. VS Code LaTeX Workshop

VSCode is the obvious choice if python scripts are going to be used.
Python can be used to help build the .tex files and to automate conversion of pdf diagrams to image formats, such as pngs, for inclusion in word files.
Install MiKTeX.
Install VSCode extension: LaTeX Workshop
LaTeX can be coded within .tex files in VSCoce and pdfs can be produced.
Keyboard shortcut to build LaTeX: Ctrl + Alt + b
Keyboard shortcut to view pdf in VSCode: Ctrl + Alt + v
Alter settings to clean up auxillary files on build: LaTeX-workshop.LaTeX.autoClean.run
Keyboard shortcut to run clean up of auxillary files: Ctrl + Alt + c

2.2. Texmaker with MiKTeX

A basic TeX/LaTeX system on Windows needs to be installed.
Texmaker is a good choice for desktop LaTeX creation and editing.
MiKTeX is good choice for the LaTeX system that is needed by Texmaker.
Install MiKTeX before Texmake.

2.2.1. Install MiKTeX

MiKTeX is a modern TeX distribution for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Install MiKTeX from: https://miktex.org/download

2.2.2. Install Texmaker

Texmaker is a free, modern and cross-platform LaTeX editor for linux, macosx and windows systems that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in just one application.
Texmaker includes unicode wizards for quick starting and symbols for inserting.
Choose “Options: Configure Texmaker” and Select Commands to set the options for pdf viewing.
Choose “Options: Configure Texmaker” and Select Quick Build to set the recipe for quick build.
Choose “Quick Build” from the run options drop menu.

2.3. Overleaf for on-line LaTeX

Overleaf templates make starting documents easy.
Online sharing and collaboration is easy with Overleaf.
Overleaf allows sharing of documents by links.