6. Chemistry bohr LaTeX

See: https://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/bohr/bohr_en.pdf See: https://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/bohr/bohr_en.pdf β€”-

6.1. bohr

The bohr package makes it easy to draw atomic structure digarams with orbitals.
 5\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} % Set the row height to 1.5 times the default value
 6\setlength{\extrarowheight}{24pt} % Set the row padding to 24 points
 8  distribution-method=quantum,
 9  insert-missing,
10  nucleus-options-set={black},
11  shell-options-set={black},
12  electron-options-set={black},
13  nucleus-radius=1.5em
16\textbf{Li} \elconf{3} & \bohr{3}{Li} & \textbf{Li$^+$} \elconf{2} & \bohr{2}{Li$^+$} \\[36pt] % Adjust the spacing here
18\textbf{F} \elconf{9} & \bohr{9}{F} & \textbf{F$^-$} \elconf{10} & \bohr{10}{F$^-$} \\
The electron configurations of Lithium (Li), Lithium ion (Li+), Fluorine (F) and Fluoride ion (F-) are drawn.
  1. documentclass[varwidth,border = 5mm]{standalone}: This line sets the document class to standalone with options varwidth and border = 5mm. The standalone class is used for creating stand-alone graphics or diagrams that can be included in other documents. The varwidth option allows the content to be wrapped in a box of variable width. The border = 5mm option sets a 5mm border around the content.

  2. usepackage{bohr}: This line loads the bohr package which provides commands for drawing Bohr models of atoms.

  3. begin{document}: This line marks the beginning of the document content.

  4. setbohr{distribution-method=quantum,insert-missing,nucleus-options-set={black},shell-options-set={black},electron-options-set={black}}: This line sets options for the bohr package. The distribution-method=quantum option specifies that electrons should be distributed according to quantum mechanics. The insert-missing option inserts missing shells in the Bohr model. The nucleus-options-set={black}, shell-options-set={black}, and electron-options-set={black} options set the color of the nucleus, shells, and electrons to black.

  5. setbohr{nucleus-radius=1.5em}: This line sets the radius of the nucleus to 1.5em.

  6. {Li } elconf{3} qquad bohr{3}{Li}qquad {Li+ } elconf{2} qquad bohr{2}{Li+}\: This line draws the electron configurations of Lithium (Li) and Lithium ion (Li+) using the elconf and bohr commands. The elconf{3} command draws the electron configuration of an atom with 3 electrons (Lithium). The bohr{3}{Li} command draws a Bohr model of an atom with 3 electrons and a nucleus labeled β€œLi” (Lithium). The qquad command inserts some horizontal space between elements.

  7. vspace{24pt}\: This line inserts vertical space of 24 points.

  8. {F } elconf{9} qquad bohr{9}{F} qquad {F- } elconf{10} qquad bohr{10}{F-}\: This line draws the electron configurations of Fluorine (F) and Fluoride ion (F-) using the same commands as in line 6.

  9. end{document}: This line marks the end of the document content.